Application deadline: March 28, 2014
Head of the Master Design programme: Alexandra Midal
Spaces and Communication
The Spaces and Communication Master programme renews the links between spatial design, interior architecture, graphic art and signage. Enriched by inter-disciplinary exchanges, it offers a new approach to design. In correlation with urbanism, plastic arts and architecture, which influence its reflective and creative processes and positioning, the Masters associates, without amalgamating them, graphic design and spatial design to create a completely new area of convergence. It promotes the creative and rigorous progress of students and the production of concrete and significant projects. At the end of their course, students will be able to master the conceptualisation and the fabrication of signifying, commercial or museographic spaces and their resolution on a real-life scale.
Professors in charge: Rosario Hurtado & Roberto Feo (El Ultimo Grito)
Teaching staff:
James Auger (London), Mathieu Bassée (Paris), Ruedi Baur (Paris), Nitzan Cohen (Munich), Demian Conrad (Lausanne), Catherine Contour (Grenoble), matali crasset (Paris), Didier Faustino (Paris), Maarten Gielen, Rotor (Bruxelles), Catherine Guiral, Office ABC (Lyon), Rosario Hurtado & Roberto Feo, El Ultimo Grito (London), Tristan Kobler (Zurich), Lysianne Lechot-Hirt (Geneva), Alexandra Midal (Paris), Yves Mirande (Paris), Nicolas Nova (Geneva), Daniel Pinkas (Geneva), Dominic Robson (London), Pascal Rousseau (Paris), Paco Savio (Winterthur), Annelore Schneider (Geneva/London), Maki Suzuki, Åbäke (London), Noam Toran (London), Joël Vacheron (Lausanne, London)
Media Design
The Media Design Master programme at Geneva University of Art and Design positions itself at the crossroads of creation, media and innovation, while tracking the transformations of design practices brought about by emerging technologies. It aims to train interaction designers with the theoretical and practical expertise necessary for the direction of complex multimedia projects. The program combines in-depth knowledge of the history and culture of digital media with the acquisition of design process skills and specific techniques in prototyping, programming, modeling, visualization and animation.
Professor in charge: Daniel Sciboz
Teaching staff: Alexandra Midal, Douglas Edric Stanley, Camille Scherrer, Nicolas Nova, Daniel Pinkas, Dominic Robson, Pierre Rossel, Lysianne Léchot-Hirt
Latest guests: Gordan Savičić (Lausanne), James Auger & Jimmy Loizeau (Auger-Loizeau, London), Etienne Mineur (Paris), Annelore Schneider (Genève/London), Jean-Louis Boissier (Paris), Noam Toran (London), Pascal Rousseau (Paris)
Further information
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