Deadline: February 24, 2015 (for May 2015 enrollment)
Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts
795 Congress Street
Portland, ME 04102
IDSVA: The world-class low-residency PhD in theory & philosophy for artists and creative thinkers.
Residency sites: Rome, Spannocchia Castle, Siena, Florence, Berlin, Venice (the Biennale); Paris, New York City, Istanbul, Brown University
Visiting faculty & special lectures: Stephen Greenblatt, Julie Mehretu, James Elkins, Bill Brown, Jacqueline Rose, Howard Caygill, Peggy Phelan, Fred Wilson, Hal Foster, Sylvère Lotringer, Susan Stewart, David Driskell, Ewa Ziarek, Paul Armstrong, Holly Block, John Rajchman, Étienne Balibar, etc.
Balancing Act is an initiation ritual that involves the physical task of balancing a stack of theory and philosophy books on my head while rounding a central column. Guests will be allowed to add one book each to the stack (one at a time) as I complete one full rotation around the central column. The use of the column signifies a physical conduit between the ethereal and the terrestrial, between intuition and knowledge, Dionysius and Apollo. As I travel around the column and the guests stack the books higher and higher, the pressure and challenge of balance and endurance grows greater. The work correlates directly with my current scholarly journey at IDSVA and the challenge of maintaining equilibrium between my personal, artistic, and academic lives.
–Whitney V. Hunter
Molly Davis, Admissions Coordinator: T + 1 800 240 7357 / [email protected]
Admissions requirements can be found here.