Bahar Noorizadeh Read Bio Collapse
Bahar Noorizadeh is an artist, writer and filmmaker. She is the founder and editor of Weird Economies, a platform that looks at the relationship between art and capitalism. Noorizadeh is currently an associate lecturer at RCA School of Architecture and the Design Academy Eindhoven.
This issue of e-flux journal is a collective reflection on the afterlife of the 2022 Jina uprising and the historical and material forces that compelled it. The issue’s authors are all based in Iran and are women activists and writers working across feminist, social, and civil fields. Due to security concerns and the criminalization of dissident voices within Iran, all use pen names to mask their identities. The essays include voices from ethnic and national struggle movements (in Kurdistan and Balochistan), campaigns against the death penalty and for Afghan migrant rights, and movements against the involuntary wearing of the hijab. Against the abstractions of our hyper-mediated time, their writing posits the body as a mode of inscription, as history incorporated, tracing its enforced subjections and emancipatory convulsions through the singular mutations of each body that contributed to the feminist revolution we witnessed. About twenty months since Jina’s point zero, these writings map the movement’s specificity in the genealogy of postrevolutionary insurrections in Iran.
Panel 2
Altering Visuality: Digital Image and Technopolitics