The dreary fate of left resistance and the repeated frustration it provokes in us, added to the confusion and the fear mobilized by the current state of things, it is what leads us today to become aware of the absolute limitations of the macropolitical horizon on the leftist territory. Here and there erupt insurrections with new strategies in response to the violence against life, in all its nuances, for which the pair right/left is no longer a sufficient operator to delineate the players in the game, nevermind hit the target. Aren’t we surprised by the presence of micropolitical insurrection in the new resistance movements bursting out everywhere—mainly in the younger generations, but especially in the suburbs and among blacks, indigenous peoples, women, and LGBT people? Isn’t this precisely what fascinates us in these movements, despite the difficulty of deciphering and naming it? Does such vital insurrection have the power to prevent us from succumbing to the melancholic and fatalistic paralysis that throws us into the bleak landscape surrounding us?