More Pretty: Jessie Jeffrey Dunn Rovinelli and McKenzie Wark in conversation

More Pretty: Jessie Jeffrey Dunn Rovinelli and McKenzie Wark in conversation

More Pretty: Jessie Jeffrey Dunn Rovinelli and McKenzie Wark in conversation
November 25, 2019, 7pm
311 East Broadway
New York, NY 10002

The director of the award-winning film So Pretty and the writer McKenzie Wark discuss the concept of the ‘pretty’ as a minor aesthetic category, with possibilities that major aesthetic categories such as the sublime and the beautiful don’t allow. They will also investigate the kinetic possibilities of rave culture and how (not) to create art by, for, or about trans people using these aesthetic materials. The discussion will be framed by three brief scenes from the film. 

Jessie Jeffrey Dunn Rovinelli is a film director, editor, colorist, and critic living in Brooklyn. Her first feature, the performative documentary Empathy, premiered in FID Marseille in 2016 and received the Prix du CNAP. Her films include We’ve Loved You So Much, (short, 2010), Fuck Work, (short, 2015), and Empathy, (feature, 2016).

McKenzie Wark is the author, among other things, of Capital is Dead (Verso 2019) and the forthcoming Reverse Cowgirl (Semiotexte, 2020). Her most recent contribution to eflux journal is ‘Femme as in Fuck You.’ She teaches at Eugene Lang College and The New School for Social Research. 

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Transgender, Beauty, Subcultures & Countercultures

McKenzie Wark is the author, among other things, of A Hacker Manifesto (Harvard), Gamer Theory (Harvard), The Beach Beneath the Street (Verso) and Raving (Duke). She teaches at The New School in New York City. She edited the “trans | fem | aesthetics” issue of eflux journal and coedited the “Black Rave” issue, with madison moore.

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