ikono On Air Festival

ikono On Air Festival


Bill Viola, Chott el-Djerid (A Portrait in Light and Heat), 1979. Videotape, color, mono sound, 28 minutes. Photo: Kira Perov. © Bill Viola.
September 6, 2013

6–29 September 2013


For the first time in TV history an art festival will take place exclusively on TV—broadcast in over 30 countries and also available online via livestream.

From the 6th to 29th of September, the ikono On Air Festival will air a daily program of international video art, featuring artworks from over 200 established and emerging artists, including Bill Viola, Alfredo Jaar, A K Dolven and William Kentridge. The festival will present contemporary perspectives on video, media art and other time-based art forms from the last decades supported by a program of video clips showcasing art from antiquity until today.

The ikono On Air Festival will be screened to the public in different restaurants and bars throughout Berlin alongside a series of collateral events. The festival will be shown in a number of international cultural spaces, art fairs and festivals including Ars Electronica Festival Linz (AT), Spazio Aereo (IT), Channels Film Festival Melbourne (AUS) and many more. 

Marina Abramovic (RS), AES+F (RU), Eija-Liisa Ahtila (FI), Jananne Al-Ani (IQ/UK), Darren Almond (UK), Karima Al-Shomely (UAE), Francis Alÿs (BE), Sadik Kwaish Alfraji (IQ), Sama Alshaibi (IQ), Claudio Ambrosini (IT), Mauro Andrizzi (AR), Ivan Argote (CO), Atelier Van Lieshout (NL), Shoja Azari (IR), Jeremy Bailey (UK), Bertille Bak (F), Paolo Bandinu (IT), Bonnie Begush (US), Bahar Behbahani (IR), Sergio Belinchón (ES), Elena Bellantoni (IT), Elisabetta Benassi (IT), Alessandra Bergamaschi (IT), Terry Berkowitz (US), Ric Bianco (IT), Dominique Blais (F), Giuseppe Boccassini (IT), Graw Böckler (DE), Ulu Braun (DE), David Brazier (AU), Robert Breer (US), Dora Budor (HR), Capture (F), Paolo Cardazzo (IT), Carlo Casas (ES), Ali Cherri (LB), Osvaldo Cibils (IT), Baptist Coelho (IN), Mat Collishaw (UK), Callum Cooper (AU), Adam Cooper-Terán (US), Christopher Charles (AU), Hassan Darsi (MA), Priscila de Carvalho (BR/US), Matilde De Feo (IT), Arjen De Leeuw (NL), Misha de Ridder (NL), Elisabetta Di Sopra (IT), Sebastian Diaz Morales (ES), A K Dolven (NO/UK), Johanna Domke (DE), Henry Driver (UK), Morten Dysgaard (DK), Jeroen Eisinga (NL), Tracey Emin (UK), Brian Eno (UK), Theo Eshetu (ET), Hawa Essuman (KE/GH), Cedrick Eymenier (F), Manuel Fanni Canelles (IT), Shepard Fairey (US), Mounir Fatmi (MA), Paolo Fassetta (IT), Francesca Fini (IT), Eva Fontana (IT), Doug Foster (UK), Kelda Free (AU), Tessa Garland (UK), Jamie George (UK), John Gerrard (IE), Catherine Gfeller (CH), Abdulnasser Gharme (SA), Giulia Giannola (IT), Milena Gierke (DE), Tarryn Gill (AU), Shaun Gladwell (AU), Niklas Goldbach (DE), Ana Maria Gomes (F), Michael Joaquin Grey (US), Ulrike Haage (DE), Khaled Hafez (EG) Joe Hamilton (AU), Adad Hannah (CA), Jason Hendrik Hansma (NLD/AU), Katie Hare (UK), Ibro Hasanovic (BE), Travis H. Heinrich (AU), Sæmundur þór Helgason (IS), Lorraine Heller-Nicholas (AU), Jan Henle (US), Kurt Hentschläger (AT), Julio Hernández-Cordón (US), Emil Holmer (SE), Jenny Holzer (US), Nick Hornby (UK), Mustafa Hulusi (UK), Ryoji Ikeda (JP), Igor Imhoff (IT), Carlos Irijalba (ES), Runa Islam (IN), Alfredo Jaar (CL), Michael Joo (US), Isaac Julien (UK), Jesper Just (F), Masayo Kajimura (JP), Katia Kameli (F/DZ), William Kentridge (SA), Man Kit Lam (HK/NL), Kite & Laslett (UK), Aaron Koblin (US), William Lamson (US), Clare Langen (IE), Ange Leccia (F), Lee Lee Nam (KR), Rebecca Lennon (UK), Armin Linke (DE), Holger Lippmann (DE), Lohner Carlson (DE), Tamara Lorenz (DE), Darri Lorenzen (IS), Tala Madani (IR), Asa Mader (US), Marcellvs L. (DE), Pilar Mata Dupont (AU), Maria Marshall (UK), Antonello Matarazzo (IT), Anthony McCall (US), Megan and Murray McMillan (US), Daniel Menche (US), Alejo Moguillansky (AR), Vincent Moon (F), Scott Morrison (AU), Brenna Murphy (US), Michael Najjar (DE), Aki Nazakawa (JP), Nerdworking (TR), David Nixon (AU), Tim Noble & Sue Webster (UK), Matthew Noel-Todd (UK), Marcel Odenbach (DE), Jacco Olivier (NL), Sherman Ong (MY), Yoko Ono (JP/US), Julia Oschatz (DE), Adrian Paci (AL), Jaakko Pallasvuo (FI), Greg Penn (AU), Peru Ana Ana Peru (US), Finnbogi Petursson (IS), Paul Pfeiffer (US), Alexander Ponomarev (RU), Nicolas Provost (BE), Beatrice Pucci (IT), Pushpamala N (IN), Mat Pyke (US), Ma Qiusha (CN), Orit Raff (IL), Casey Reas (US), Tere Recarens (ES), Erwin Redl (AT), Reynold Reynolds (US), Kelly Richardson (UK), Heinz Riegler (AT), Montserrat Rodriguez aka nyx10110 (ES), Rafael Rozendaal (NL/BR), Kivu Ruhorahoza (RW), Ari Saarto (FI), Steve Sabella (IL), Denis Savary (CH), Hans Schabus (AT), Alexander Schellow (DE), Semiconductor (UK), Santiago Sierra (ES), John Smith (UK), Dominga Sotomayor (CL), Peggy Stuffi (IT), Xun Sun (CN), Anocha Suwichakornpong (TH), Michèle Sylvander (FR), Barbara Taboni (IT), Kynan Tan (AU), Kotaro Tanaka (JP), Janaina Tschäpe (DE), Luca Trevisani (IT), Peter Tukei Muhumuza (UG), Salla Tykkä (FI), Adam Vacker (CZ), Tracy Valcarcel (PE/CA), Harm Van den Dorpel (NL), Mariana Vassileva (BG), Kawita Vatanajyankur (TH), Xavier Veilhan (FR), Jan Verbeek (DE), Bill Viola (US), Luigi Viola (IT), Debora Vrizzi (IT), Pierce Warnecke and Ricardo Donoso (US/DE), Apischapong Weerasetakul (TH), Mirit Weinstock (IL), Richard Whitby (UK), Andrew Norman Wilson (US), Bob Wilson (US), Helga Wretman (SE), Liu Xiadong (CN), Susan Youssef (LB), Akram Zaatari (LB), Zimoun (CH)

Curators and partners
The ikono On Air Festival takes place under the guidance of festival director Jack Pam and in collaboration with leading art professionals and international institutions, including Karin Adrian van Roques (DE), A + A Centro Espositivo Sloveno (IT), Ars Electronica (AT), Artconnect Berlin (DE), Art for the World (CH), Artstack (UK), Aut Aut Gallery (BR), AV-arkki (FI), Manuela Benetton (IT), Blinkvideo (DE), Centre Pompidou (F), Circuit (NZ), Channels Film Festival (AU), Collegium Hungaricum (DE), Paolo Colombo (IT), Connecting Cities (DE), Adelina Cüberyan von Fürstenberg (AM/CH), Elisabetta di Sopra (IT), Edge of Arabia (UK), Olafur Eliasson/Little Sun (IS/DK), Nadine Gandy (F/SVK), Christian Ganzenberg (DE), Hou Hanru (CN), Kathy Rae Huffman (US/DE), Import Projects (DE), Omar Kholeif (UK), LIMA (NL), MELD (GR), Momentum (DE), Node Center for Curatorial Studies (DE), Platoon Kunsthalle (DE), Preview Berlin (DE), Public Art Lab (DE), QUT (AU), Rachel Rits-Volloch (DE), Nadim Samman (UK/DE), Sedition (UK), Berta Sichel (BR/ES), Spazio Aereo (IT), and Supermarkt (DE).

For further information: ikono.org/festival

The ikono On Air Festival will be available on

ikonoTV livestream 
From September 2013 via ikono.org/stream worldwide on SmartTV and all mobile devices.

Via IPTV in Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and soon in France.

Via Satellite in the Middle East, in North Africa and South Asia.
Via IPTV in the United Arab Emirates, in Dubai, Beirut, Kuwait, Morocco and Oman.

For more information ikono.org/how-to-watch

About ikono
ikono is a media platform displaying and broadcasting visual arts, founded in 2006 by Elizabeth Markevitch. Through its two HDTV channels, ikonoMENASA and ikonoTV, ikono broadcasts a unique program dedicated to the arts of all epochs from antiquity to contemporary art—viewable in more than 30 countries worldwide, 24/7 and in HD. ikono’s program is produced in cooperation with more than 400 international artists and over 200 collections, archives and the most important museums of the world. All productions are free from additional sound or commentary, making it possible for an international audience to have a pure visual and emotional art experience. For more information visit ikono.org


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September 6, 2013

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